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「Celebrations」禮盒系列詮釋農曆新年之精粹:「傳統與創新的完美交匯」。每一款賀年糕點產品經過團隊精心設計、選用頂級食材,為您的餐桌聚會帶來節慶喜悅、同時為心靈帶來一絲溫暖。 Celebrations capture the spirit of this season—a collection of thoughtfully crafted creations that honor tradition, yet embrace modernity. Each creation in this collection is crafted with love, using the finest ingredients, to bring happiness to your table and warmth to your heart.
每款賀年糕點均完美融合傳統與創新手藝,務求傳遞節日的祥和與喜悅。由得獎名廚May Chow精心打造、每一口都蘊含用心挑選的優質食材與細膩工藝。這不僅是一道佳餚,更是一段體驗、一場交流、一個值得分享的回憶。 Our Chinese New Year Cakes celebrate the harmony of tradition and innovation. Conceived under the creative vision of award-winning chef May Chow, each cake is crafted with premium ingredients and thoughtful precision. Designed to evoke prosperity and joy, these festive cakes are more than a treat—they are an experience, a conversation, and a memory to share.